! $XConsortium: string.list,v 1.12 95/05/11 22:32:57 kaleb Exp $ ! NOTE: To maintain binary compatibility, you can only APPEND items within ! a given list!!!! ! ! See the makestrs(1) manual. ! #prefix Xt #feature XTSTRINGDEFINES #externref extern #externdef ! note that the trailing space is required in the #externdef line. #ctmpl util/StrDefs.ct #file StringDefs.h #table XtStrings #htmpl util/StrDefs.ht Naccelerators NallowHoriz NallowVert NancestorSensitive Nbackground NbackgroundPixmap Nbitmap NborderColor Nborder borderColor NborderPixmap NborderWidth Ncallback Nchildren Ncolormap Ndepth NdestroyCallback NeditType Nfile Nfont NforceBars Nforeground Nfunction Nheight Nhighlight NhSpace Nindex NinitialResourcesPersistent NinnerHeight NinnerWidth NinnerWindow NinsertPosition NinternalHeight NinternalWidth NjumpProc Njustify NknobHeight NknobIndent NknobPixel NknobWidth Nlabel Nlength NlowerRight NmappedWhenManaged NmenuEntry Nname Nnotify NnumChildren Norientation Nparameter Npixmap NpopupCallback NpopdownCallback Nresize NreverseVideo Nscreen NscrollProc NscrollDCursor NscrollHCursor NscrollLCursor NscrollRCursor NscrollUCursor NscrollVCursor Nselection NselectionArray Nsensitive Nshown Nspace Nstring NtextOptions NtextSink NtextSource Nthickness Nthumb NthumbProc Ntop Ntranslations NunrealizeCallback Nupdate NuseBottom NuseRight Nvalue NvSpace Nwidth Nwindow Nx Ny CAccelerators CBackground CBitmap CBoolean CBorderColor CBorderWidth CCallback CColormap CColor CCursor CDepth CEditType CEventBindings CFile CFont CForeground CFraction CFunction CHeight CHSpace CIndex CInitialResourcesPersistent CInsertPosition CInterval CJustify CKnobIndent CKnobPixel CLabel CLength CMappedWhenManaged CMargin CMenuEntry CNotify COrientation CParameter CPixmap CPosition CReadOnly CResize CReverseVideo CScreen CScrollProc CScrollDCursor CScrollHCursor CScrollLCursor CScrollRCursor CScrollUCursor CScrollVCursor CSelection CSensitive CSelectionArray CSpace CString CTextOptions CTextPosition CTextSink CTextSource CThickness CThumb CTranslations CValue CVSpace CWidth CWindow CX CY RAcceleratorTable RAtom RBitmap RBool RBoolean RCallback RCallProc RCardinal RColor RColormap RCursor RDimension RDisplay REditMode REnum RFile RFloat RFont RFontStruct RFunction RGeometry RImmediate RInitialState RInt RJustify RLongBoolean Bool RObject ROrientation RPixel RPixmap RPointer RPosition RScreen RShort RString RStringArray RStringTable RUnsignedChar RTranslationTable RVisual RWidget RWidgetClass RWidgetList RWindow Eoff Efalse Eno Eon Etrue Eyes Evertical Ehorizontal EtextRead read EtextAppend append EtextEdit edit Extdefaultbackground Extdefaultforeground Extdefaultfont NfontSet RFontSet CFontSet #table XtStringsR6 RGravity NcreateHook NchangeHook NconfigureHook NgeometryHook NdestroyHook Nshells NnumShells RCommandArgArray RDirectoryString REnvironmentArray RRestartStyle RSmcConn Hcreate HsetValues HmanageChildren HunmanageChildren HmanageSet HunmanageSet HrealizeWidget HunrealizeWidget HaddCallback HaddCallbacks HremoveCallback HremoveCallbacks HremoveAllCallbacks HaugmentTranslations HoverrideTranslations HuninstallTranslations HsetKeyboardFocus HsetWMColormapWindows HsetMappedWhenManaged HmapWidget HunmapWidget Hpopup HpopupSpringLoaded Hpopdown Hconfigure HpreGeometry HpostGeometry Hdestroy #file Shell.h #table XtShellStrings #htmpl util/Shell.ht NiconName CIconName NiconPixmap CIconPixmap NiconWindow CIconWindow NiconMask CIconMask NwindowGroup CWindowGroup Nvisual CVisual NtitleEncoding CTitleEncoding NsaveUnder CSaveUnder Ntransient CTransient NoverrideRedirect COverrideRedirect NtransientFor CTransientFor NiconNameEncoding CIconNameEncoding NallowShellResize CAllowShellResize NcreatePopupChildProc CCreatePopupChildProc Ntitle CTitle RAtom Nargc CArgc Nargv CArgv NiconX CIconX NiconY CIconY Ninput CInput Niconic CIconic NinitialState CInitialState Ngeometry CGeometry NbaseWidth CBaseWidth NbaseHeight CBaseHeight NwinGravity CWinGravity NminWidth CMinWidth NminHeight CMinHeight NmaxWidth CMaxWidth NmaxHeight CMaxHeight NwidthInc CWidthInc NheightInc CHeightInc NminAspectY CMinAspectY NmaxAspectY CMaxAspectY NminAspectX CMinAspectX NmaxAspectX CMaxAspectX NwmTimeout CWmTimeout NwaitForWm waitforwm CWaitForWm Waitforwm #table XtShellStringsR6 Nwaitforwm CWaitforwm NclientLeader CClientLeader NwindowRole CWindowRole Nurgency CUrgency NcancelCallback NcloneCommand CCloneCommand Nconnection CConnection NcurrentDirectory CCurrentDirectory NdieCallback NdiscardCommand CDiscardCommand Nenvironment CEnvironment NinteractCallback NjoinSession CJoinSession NprogramPath CProgramPath NresignCommand CResignCommand NrestartCommand CRestartCommand NrestartStyle CRestartStyle NsaveCallback NsaveCompleteCallback NsessionID CSessionID NshutdownCommand CShutdownCommand NerrorCallback