
1. Introduction
2. XFree86 License
3. X/MIT Licenses
3.1. MIT
3.2. The Open Group
3.3. X Consortium
3.4. Nokia
3.5. Tektronix, Inc
3.6. Digital Equipment Corporation (1)
3.7. IBM
3.8. Adobe
3.9. Silicon Graphics, Inc.
3.10. Digital Equipment Corporation (2)
4. Berkeley-style Licenses
4.1. 3-Clause BSD License (the revised BSD license)
4.2. 2-Clause BSD License
4.3. Original 4-clause BSD license (UCB)
4.4. UCB/LBL
4.5. Christopher G. Demetriou.
4.6. The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
4.7. X-TrueType Server Project, After X-TT Project, and contributors.
4.8. Todd C. Miller
5. BSD-style license with export notice
5.1. National Semiconductor Corporation Open Source License for Durango
6. NVIDIA Corp
7. SGI Free Software License B Version 1.1 (GLX)
8. CID Font Code Public License
9. Bigelow & Holmes Inc and URW++ GmbH Luxi font license
10. FreeType License